Romantic Evenings Festival

Every summer, the Domaine du Rayol organises the “Romantic Evenings” Festival: five classical music concerts and one Mediterranean music concert, every week from July to mid-August. It is in an exceptional setting, in the open air, facing the sea, that all your senses will be engaged. The balmy summer nights are indeed ideal for enjoying the works of the greatest classical composers (Chopin, Brahms, Beethoven, Debussy, Mozart and Schumann) and sharing a moment of pleasure and conviviality. Come to the heart of the Mediterranean Gardens, and let the magic happen!

Classical artists of international reputation

For 30 years, the Mediterranean Gardens has welcomed pianists, violinists and cellists of international reputation, including Anne Queffélec, François-René Duchâble, Jean-Marc Luisada, Dominique Merlet, Philippe Bianconi, Abdel Rahman El Bacha, Marie-Josèphe Jude , Cyril Huvé… and many others who delight music lovers at the Domaine du Rayol every year.

A journey to the heart of the Mediterranean

The Mediterranean Gardens are a meeting place that welcome musicians from all around the Mediterranean, on the last date of the festival. These take us on a journey, discovering the diversity of cultures that coexist on the shores of the Deep Blue. Among the guest groups of recent years, we can cite: the Compagnie Rassegna (popular songs from the Mediterranean), the Corsican group Alba, Forabandit (lyrical tradition of the troubadours of Occitanie), Barbara Fortuna (Corsican polyphonies), Lula Pena (fado) , the magical duo Titi Robin and Mehdi Nassouli, and other artists who thrilled the audience who came to marvel under the starry Mediterranean sky.

See this year’s programme and book your tickets on the French Website